American Food!

We had a different kind of culinary experience today. Our friend Lola, who is American, found an American-style diner called Jay’s and recommended we try it. When she described all the cholesterol-laden goodies on tap, four of us jumped on board right away! Sadly, Lola has hurt her back, and wasn’t able to join us — we’ll have to go again another day!

Anyway, it didn’t disappoint. The other three had bacon and eggs. Now you might not think that’s anything very exciting, but the truth is it’s very difficult to find good bacon here, so this was a treat. They all raved about it — especially the fried bread!

I, on the other hand, didn’t have bacon. Ever since I knew we were going there, my taste buds have been hankering for pancakes, so that’s what I had. In this picture you can clearly see that the stack did justice to American sized portions!

It’s amazing how excited you get about food you remember from home — even though you might not have bothered eating it much when you were there!

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