The trip home

Before we left Costa Esmeralda, we all went out for breakfast in one of the restaurants on the beach, called paradores. This one was brand new, and we all enjoyed the breakfast very much.

We got on the road home around 11 am and had quite a good trip. Even though it was the end of the holiday weekend, the pandemia has kept travel to a much lower level than usual, and the traffic was quite light.

We stopped for lunch in a place called Dolores, at this restaurant. It was a bodegon, which is a place that serves traditional Argentine food, and in Buenos Aires they can usually be relied on to produce good food. This one, however, was a disappointment. Venetia likes her steak extremely rare, and we all went to great pains to emphasize that, but it still came back overcooked. Adding insult to injury, the cook said it was fine and although she did get one that was better we had to pay for the first one!! We asked for it to go, and then gave it to a stray dog right outside the door — just to let them know what we thought of their steak!

But the rest of the trip went well and I was dropped off tired but happy around 7 pm.

It was my first Christmas on the beach, and I hope it won’t be my last! All in all, a great way to spend Christmas, and good friends to spend it with.

2 thoughts on “The trip home

  1. I enjoyed the cathedral/church as well as the town square in Dolores. I can send photos if you would like to post them. Yes, the restaurant was very disappointing – the second steak was not a lomo as advertised and I did give it to a stray dog who really enjoyed it! Wine helped, and the potatoes were good!

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