Christmas Day

Traditionally, Christmas Day is quiet here, as we celebrate Nochebuena, Christmas Eve, and this year was no exception. What was different, though, was our location!

After our late night, we had a lazy morning, and then went down to the beach. It wasn’t quite as hot and sunny as it was yesterday, but that was fine because we didn’t go to swim or sunbathe today — we went to drink champagne! And here we are, caught in the act!

While the others went for a walk, I took the chance to do a little sketch of sea and sand.

We had lunch at a little beach restaurant, but we kept it light because tonight we’re having a traditional Argentine asado. I’ll take photos of that as it happens, so stay tuned!

If you are in a country that celebrates the holiday today rather than yesterday, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and hope you are having a great day.

6 thoughts on “Christmas Day

  1. Merry Christmas back to you my dear and all the best for 2021 – may it be a better year! I love your watercolour of the sea and sand.

    • Thanks Ruthie! I hope you are not faring too badly, given the circumstances. I wish you all the best for a better 2021.

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