Last Buenos Aires Outing before Christmas

Yes, this is yet another eating and drinking event! Yesterday a group of eight of us went to a lovely bistro called Casa Cavia for lunch. I think it was originally a house (I think someone said that), but now it’s this lovely eating place, with a centrepiece of a tree in the middle of an infinity pool. Here are some shots of the “Ladies Who Lunch” — Venetia took most of them, but I took one so that she could be in it!

Apparently there is some lovely indoor eating in what they call the Library, so we’ll have to put it on our list to go again in winter!

I say this is the last Buenos Aires event for me, because Venetia and I leave tomorrow morning for six days at the seaside! Cecilia’s son Joaquin has rented a house near the beach at Costa Esmeralda, and has invited us with Cecilia to spend Christmas with them. To say I’m excited would be to understate it! I promise to do some blog posts while I’m away.

Meanwhile, I have a video update on the birds on my bedroom window sill — I’ll post that next.

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