Las Pizzaras

Last night I went out with Lina, Venetia and Lola to great little restaurant in Palermo called Las Pizzaras. We knew about it because the waitress is a tango friend of Lola’s. Coincidentally, she is French Canadian from Montreal! She took this photo of the group, which allowed Venetia to be in the photo rather than taking it.

Anyway, we all trotted off there last night and had a lovely meal and lots of good conversation and laughter as usual.


This is a photo of my steak, which was delicious. The fresh kale salad and some kind of tomato thing were also great, but I didn’t like the sweet potato stuff.

Instead of dessert I opted for a Negroni. You can’t see it very well, but it came in a lovely copper mug and was delicious. However, I think my cocktail days are over, at least during the same meal as wine, because I have been falling asleep all day!

One more group meal before I leave for my Christmas vacation, and that will be brunch on Sunday. It feels so good to be doing normal things again!


2 thoughts on “Las Pizzaras

  1. Hi Helen. Marco well remembers the after effects of Negroni – but that story is for another time!! Great photo of you all. Have a lovely Christmas and we’ll catch up again in the New Year. Janette.

    • I love Marco’s stories, Janette. I hope to hear this one, among others, in person in Buenos Aires sometime in 2020!

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