Accidental Find

Tonight I set out to have dinner in the cafe where I usually have breakfast, Café Bogotá. But I got there just after eight and it was closing — I guess they are still not on regular time yet, as most Porteños don’t usually go out until nine.

Anyway, it led me to a place on the other side of the square, called Los Inmortales, The Immortals, which is apparently quite an old and well known place. I didn’t realize they were famous for their pizza, or I would have had it, but instead I had milanesa de ternera, breaded veal. Milanesa is a popular dish in Buenos Aires and I enjoy it once it a while. It’s always enormous though, so I have tomorrow’s lunch in hand!

The walls were covered with old photos of the city, and it was fun trying to recognize them as many are quite different today. I don’t think Los Inmortales will become a favourite for me, but I will give their pizza a try.

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