Finally Finished

More than a year ago, I went with one of my groups to see the Palacio San Martin, one of the most beautiful buildings I’ve ever seen. After the tour, I sat down in the lovely green square in front to do a sketch, but it was early winter and too cold to sit. (Here is what I managed that day.) I’ve been promising myself since that day that I would go back and finish it, and today I finally did.

It’s a good half hour walk there, so I was happy to sit down to do the sketch. Afterwards I walked across the street to Rapanui, a place whose ice cream is legendary. I sat at a little table outside and ate passionfruit and kiwi ice cream — bliss!

I had planned to take a taxi home — we’re still not allowed to use the buses — but started to walk and ended up walking all the way home. It’s 4.1 km both ways and I’ll admit to being shattered when I arrived, but now I’ve had a wee rest I feel ready for what’s next.

I’m meeting Venetia for a glass of wine at La Biela at 8 pm and then going for a bite to eat somewhere. My friend Lina said recently that now that we can eat out again, she is doing it every day as she is so fed up with her own cooking. Ditto.


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