I Finally Did a New Sketch

Part of my resolve yesterday was to get back to sketching. I have several sketchbooks full of things I’ve done in my travels over the past several years, as well as in Toronto and other parts of Canada. But for some reason I haven’t been moved to sketch at all for some time. The last page in my book was something from my trip to Bariloche in January! I don’t think it was anything to do with the pandemic, although of course that didn’t help.

Anyway, I decided to force myself to do something yesterday in the hope it would get me back on track. I had noticed on my walks that the Starbucks near me had a few tables outside, with a good view of one of the typical corner buildings of Buenos Aires. I don’t normally frequent Starbucks because I hate their coffee, but I ordered some sort of creamy concoction and settled in for half an hour at one of the tables. This sketch is the result.

I’m definitely rusty, and it was a struggle to produce this less-than-satisfactory result. But let’s hope it’s the first of a new wave of sketches to come.


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