This Must Stop

A few people have written to say they missed my blog posts, and wondered if I was OK. When I looked, I was quite shocked to see the previous post was on October 12. My excuse is always that nothing is happening, but the truth is there’s a big laziness component there. There’s always something I could be writing, but I’ve just been too lazy.

Today I heard Marie Forleo interview Seth Goden — two of my favourite online people — about Seth’s new book, “The Practice — shipping creative work”. He talks about the myth of writer’s block, and says you must create a practice around writing and get it done whether you are in the mood or not. So that’s what I’m going to do, starting now.

I do, of course, have to give priority to the writing I have to do for my clients and my business, but there’s no reason I can’t do more on this blog as well. I don’t promise a post every day, but at least three a week — and you can hold me to that!


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