I’ll be a gardener yet!

My mother was a keen gardener all her life, and my brother definitely inherited her green thumb. I’ve never been that enthusiastic, though, not even with house plants. When I moved into this apartment a year and a half ago (is it really that long?) there were plants on the balcony and window ledges. My cleaning lady really looked after them more than I did, and since she hasn’t been here since the pandemic began … well, you can imagine. They didn’t weather the winter very well.

However, when I realized I was wasting the potential, I enlisted the help of Venetia, who is a very enthusiastic gardener. She helped me clean out the pots and repot some of the poor things that were badly pot bound. I’ve been watering and feeding them regularly and they have responded. I might even be starting to understand the excitement of watching them grow. Here are a few photos, and I’ll post some more when the bulbs blossom.

This is just part of the balcony. I like how the palm tree in the courtyard is just high enough to almost become part of the garden!



The first plant is on the kitchen windowledge. There’s a wee passage running from the kitchen to the laundry room with windows all along. That’s where the other plants are.

The kitchen windows face into a yard between buildings, so there’s very little sun. But these green ones seem to do well in the shade and brighten up a rather dull outlook.

I actually managed to repot a plant this week all by myself, without Venetia’s help! I’m not quite at the stage where I love getting my hands in the dirt, but you never know, I might get there yet!

6 thoughts on “I’ll be a gardener yet!

  1. You’ll soon become addicted! When I moved into my cottage 21 years ago the large garden was a wilderness full of brambles, nettles and god knows what else! There were no recognisable beds and at the time I wasn’t a gardener either but I set to and now I LOVE it. I spend as much time out there as possible. This weekend I’ve dug the last of the spuds and cleared the beans out of the poly tunnel…..yes I’ve also got a poly tunnel! I grow veggies, fruit and lots of beautiful flowers. I’ve planted a bird friendly hedge and only plant things that are good for insects and wildlife. My garden is a joy and I’m sure your plants will also bring you just as much satisfaction as you watch them grow!

    • Well I wouldn’t compare my little balcony with your huge, beautiful English country garden, Ali! Maybe next time I go to
      Scotland I’ll come down for a visit!

      By the way, what’s a poly tunnel??

  2. Very drole Bruce😂😂😂!!!
    Helen a poly tunnel is like a large greenhouse but with a plastic cover rather than glass. And yes,you’d be very welcome to visit anytime!

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