French Toast Fiesta!

A couple of weeks ago, one of my friends posted a photo on Whatsapp of a delicious, healthy lunch she had made, and then someone else posted another healthy dish. So I admitted a bit sheepishly that I was having French toast!

Much to my surprise, several of them said they loved French toast and they hadn’t had it for years. I’m not quite sure how this happened, but before I knew it I had agreed to have them over here for a French toast brunch!

Today was the day. There were six of us altogether, so we could kind of socially distance, and it was lots of fun.

I served it Canadian style, with blueberries, strawberries and whipped cream. I had just a little bit of genuine Quebec maple syrup left from the bottle I brought from Canada, so that made it doubly special. We were going to have mimosas with the toast, but as it turned out, they all eschewed the orange juice in favour of straight champagne! Here are some happy photos, thanks as always to Venetia.

8 thoughts on “French Toast Fiesta!

    • Thanks. Yes, my kitchen has a lot of windows. I’m just about to post some photo of my plants and you’ll see what I mean.

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