I Just Wanted to Buy Some Yarn!

Yesterday I decided to buy some yarn to do some more knitting. I finally gave in and subscribed to Netflix, but I don’t like just watching movies as an activity all by itself, so knitting at the same time is a good option for me.

There is a whole yarn “district” in Buenos Aires, consisting of about a dozen yarn shops almost side by side on one street called Scalabrini Ortiz. It’s in a different barrio, and since we’re not allowed to take the bus unless going to work in an essential service, I took a taxi there and back.

Check out the lineup I had to wait in! This was for my favourite store, but it was the same at all the others. I know there has been a surge in crafts, including knitting and crochet, while people are locked in, so I guess that accounts for it. I just didn’t expect it!

Anyway, I got some nice pink and white cottons to make summer tops, so it was worthwhile.

On a slightly different but related topic, the news yesterday was that the lockdown would be extended until September 20, but with some lessening in Buenos Aires city. For me, the most exciting thing is that restaurants and cafes can now serve outside ā€” yayyy!! Some of my friends have already agreed to meet at La Biela on Monday afternoon, and I think it will be the first of many ā€” masks or no masks, it’s a step in the right direction. Gracias a Dios!

2 thoughts on “I Just Wanted to Buy Some Yarn!

    • I’ll try to remember to do that, Sharon. I’m making a nice shell pink one with “cold shoulders”. I don’t have a pattern, so I’m kind of making it up as I go along. I have some summer dresses with the cold shoulders, so I’ll get them down and have a look at how they’re put together. I’m having fun knitting again!

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