An Afternoon of Escape!

I’ve been walking in the neighbourhood quite a bit with my friend Susan, but today she suggested something different and I’m glad she did.

There’s a barrio down on the river called Puerto Madero – very modern with highrise buildings. It could be anywhere really, and is not typical of Buenos Aires. But it does have lovely parkland, and a canal runs parallel to the river, lined with restaurants and nightclubs.

We took a taxi down and walked quite a distance in the sun, watching families with kids and dogs having fun while more or less respecting social distancing. On our way back, we passed the restaurant strip, which was quite busy. One place was selling takeout, so we bought a small bottle of Malbec and drank it out of plastic cups, almost in the exact spot where my friends and I celebrate New Year. We had to take our masks off to drink the wine, of course, but were very conscientious otherwise!

The sun was warm and the sky was blue, so definitely a forecast of spring and a brief but welcome respite from lockdown.

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