This Is All We Need


This is a newspaper report about wildfires raging in the Parana Delta of Argentina. Today when I looked at the weather app on my iPhone, instead of the more usual Cloudy or Sunny, it said Smoke! And sure enough, when I went out on the balcony I could smell it, and the Delta is about 200 km away from here.

They’ve been burning for a couple of months now, and the impact on wildlife is tragic. They say once a fire gets to this point, it’s impossible to put it out, so you just have to wait till it’s over. And this isn’t even summer here yet!

I’m trying awfully hard not to look on the dark side, but some days it feels like Doomsday is coming. Maybe I should stop watching the BBC World News, as there’s enough to worry about right here in Argentina.

Are you feeling the same way about the world and the country where you live?

5 thoughts on “This Is All We Need

  1. Hi Helen
    We hadn’t heard about the fires in the Delta – Oh dear, how many more things are coming along?
    Here in Scotland things seemed to be going in the right direction, the virus numbers were really low and in some areas no new cases reported, then along comes this new crisis in Aberdeen!
    We go out for early morning walks while it’s all quiet but then stay in. We’re still very wary of going to cafes, bars or restaurants.
    Generally we find that there’s a big feeling of gloom about the place – gloom about the virus and about the future. Although we’re told to wear masks and keep social distancing not everyone does this and there’s no-one to enforce it. You may have seen the horrific scenes of crowded beaches in the UK. So as we’re seeing here and in Europe the virus numbers are increasing again.
    I follow a lot of book reading and art blogs, mostly from USA some in the UK and many of those good people are feeling quite low but they are also encouraging each other with the recommendation of a good book or a drawing project, all for enjoyment and a bit of escapism.
    Thank goodness for emails etc so we can all keep in touch.
    Keep well,

    • I’m glad you are using time for your art and taking the chance to escape when you can. As you say, thank goodness for today’s technology that keeps us in touch. Let’s Zoom one of these days!

    • I’m not surprised you hadn’t heard, as the rest of the world doesn’t pay much attention to Argentina — and we kind of like it that way!

  2. A new reality for us all wherever we live. There will not be a new norm, just a new question mark. Family, friends are our rock to which we can cling. Good luck to us all and may we correct and mend what we can.

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