I thought this was worth posting

I have removed this post because I now know it did not originate with Dr. Bonnie Henry as it said.

Thanks to those who pointed this out, and I apologize for posting this information without checking the source more thoroughly.

4 thoughts on “I thought this was worth posting

    • Sheryl, this was sent to me in an email from a friend. When I got it, I checked to make sure Dr. Henry was who it said she was, but I didn’t go further to make sure this message was from her. Someone wrote me today telling me she had said she never wrote this, but I can’t seem to find that news report, and when I checked Facebook the message was still being posted. If I can confirm it has been debunked, I will take down the post.

  1. any chance you could point me towards the report that says she didn’t say it? It’s getting posted all over the place.

    • Corinne, take a look at the post I wrote today saying I was taking the original one down.There is a comment from Zoe, which gives a link to an article that has pretty much the same list, and it was posted in May.

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