9 de julio

Someone in Canada recently asked if I was OK because I hadn’t posted anything here recently. I’m fine, and the fact is that nothing much is happening due to being in lockdown for the past 107 days!

But today I really wanted to post because today is July 9, Argentine Independence Day. Before I say anything more, I want to share a lovely video with you of an Argentina that’s different from the one I see when I look out my window.

This is a promo video for the Province of Salta, high up in the Andes in the north of Argentina. I went there with Cecilia three years ago on an unforgettable trip. It was so different from Buenos Aires that I had to keep reminding myself I was still in Argentina!

In case you hadn’t realized, the music is the Argentine national anthem, sounding very different from the way it’s usually heard. Isn’t it lovely?

I’m reminded that last 9 de julio I had just come out of hospital after my 9-day stint with pneumonia. I went to the home of my friend Lola, where we met up with Sally, Cecilia and Ricardo after watching the military parade in Parque 3 de febrero. I remember my heart was full, as I mixed with a big crowd of people of all ages, waving my celeste y blanco — sky blue and white, as the flag is lovingly nicknamed.

That feeling is with me again now, even though this 9 de julio is very different. I love Argentina. I feel blessed to have been guided here.

In the words reserved for this day, Viva La Patria!

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