Impromptu Chat with Good Friends in Canada

The other night my computer beeped to say I had an incoming call on Facebook Messenger, which doesn’t happen often. Imagine my delight when I saw it was my good friends Michel and Barbara calling from Toronto! Barbara said they had been talking about me and decided on a whim to give me a call — I’m so glad they did.

At the beginning of lockdown I had a conversation with a speaking colleague, Stephanie Staples, who lives in British Columbia. She told me whenever someone pops into her head, she calls them! She has had conversations with old school friends she hasn’t spoken to for years. I think it’s a wonderful idea, and with the technology we have at our disposal today, very easy to implement.

I have to admit I haven’t actually done it yet, but this surprise call from Michel and Barbara has brought it back to mind.

So you just might get a call from me when you least expect it!

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