What to Write When Nothing’s Happening!

Blogging is fun when you have interesting or fun things to report. Over the past several years, I’ve really enjoyed telling you about my life in Argentina, and usually there’s no shortage of material — given my normally overloaded social life! So it feels strange these days not to have anything to report, because basically nothing is happening. And in fact, sometimes something does happen but I’m so out of the habit of posting that I forget!

That’s what happened this past week when I had a Zoom call with some girlfriends in Toronto. We got together a number of years ago with the ostensible purpose of writing our memoirs. Over time, that kind of got lost, but we enjoyed our get-togethers so much we just carried on. We rotated hosting duties, and a great feature of our meetings was the amazing food we brought — usually with requests for recipes afterwards. The conversation ranged from the minutiae of our daily lives to high level, important topics about what is going on in the world at large. (I see I’m writing this in the past tense, not because the group stopped meeting but just because I moved away and wasn’t part of it any more.)

The only problem was that we are all so busy it was often a challenge finding a date that fitted us all. Well, that’s not a problem these days! So someone had the idea of a virtual event, and we all duly jumped on Zoom. Lynne is currently somewhere in the Quebec countryside, I am down here in Argentina, and Sharon, Brigitte and Nina are still in Toronto. Using the technology we take for granted now, Lynne walked us round her lovely home, and I showed off my great apartment. It was lovely to get together again and it was a highlight of our week. So much so that we’re going to do it again in a month.

Last night I had an unexpected video call from my friends Barbara and Michel in Toronto. They just thought of me and, on a whim, jumped on Messenger video, and we had a lovely catchup chat. I think people are doing more of that these days, I suppose because we all have more time on our hands. Let’s hope it continues after we’re all finding our way back to normal.

We are now going into week eight of total lockdown in Buenos Aires, extended to May 24. After that, who knows.

Anyway, I’m sorry to be so quiet and I hope you understand. I can’t wait till the day I can tell you I’m dancing tango again!

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