Achievements for the Week

I’m scrambling to think of anything I’ve done, but there are a few:

  1. Recorded first 6 chapters of my audiobook
  2. Signed up and attended first two lessons of virtual class on tango musicality
  3. Took part in writing exercises with writer friends

What have you done? Tell us in the comments.

4 thoughts on “Achievements for the Week

  1. Made it through another week. Am healthy have a roof over my head and more food than I need. I have a lot to grateful for.

  2. Hi Helen – Andrew & I have used some of our extra time at home to do overdue spring cleaning. I realized that our last holiday card was returned and we never received a new address / have no e-mail so we were delighted to find your note from 2017 advertising your book with this site. Take care. Judith & Andrew

    • Judith, what a treat to hear from you! I’ve never had your email address, but mine is and I’d love to hear from you any time. Sending anything to Argentina by mail is a lost cause, so I don’t even bother giving people my street address! Happy to see you’ve found this blog, and I hope you enjoy it.

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