Global Meetings Industry Goes for the Record

Yesterday I took part in an event whose organizers hope to break the Guiness Record for the largest virtual conference ever!

The Global Meetings Industry is an association for all professions connected with conferences, conventions and other large events. I was, as you may know, a professional speaker for many years and thus part of this world.

Given the situation we are in, many of the GMI members are cancelling meetings right and left, and this event was kind of meant as a word of encouragement to them, as well as a fun way of connecting. One of the organizers was my speaking colleague Jennifer Spears — well done, Jennifer!

They won’t know for a few weeks whether they broke the record, but the attendance peaked at 12,500, which is impressive whether a record or not. I think it will be.

Honestly, I could be online from dawn to dusk these days with all the events landing in my emailbox. I’m being a bit discriminating, but I’m glad I took part in this one.

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