Ready to Record!

Well I finally figured out a set-up that works for recording my audiobook — and here it is! This is my “recording studio”, made by hanging a duvet around the pull-down rail in my walk-in closet. The second photo is a peek inside, the space where I’ll actually do the recording.

The theory is that the thick padding behind me will baffle the sound and take away any echo — necessary because my place has high ceilings.

Now that it’s all in place, I plan to start recording tomorrow and finish it by the end of the week. Then I have to do some technical tweaks before it’s ready to upload. I’m glad I bought the program on how to do this, because I have no idea what all the tweaks mean. I’ll just follow the “hit this button and set this number to xxx” instructions and hope for the best.

I’ll keep you posted on my progress.

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