I Believe the Terrorist lLook Is Trending!

At first I believed what I heard — that masks weren’t really helpful. I was told they were for people who were sick, so that they wouldn’t spread the virus to others, but didn’t do any good otherwise. Of course, now that has been shown to be wrong, so I decided to get with the program.

However, there are no masks available, so I decided to make my own. I saw videos on how to make masks out of a bra, but mine are the wrong shape. I had tried a scarf, but apparently that is the least effective, probably not helped by the fact that it kept slipping off. I then read that one of the best things to use was old t-shirt material. The only t-shirt I was willing to sacrifice was black — hence the terrorist look! Like it?


2 thoughts on “I Believe the Terrorist lLook Is Trending!

  1. We are making masks too. Check out the US Surgeon General’s demo on how to make one from a square of cloth (I used 16×16” one) and two elastic bands.

    • I saw something like this using a square headscarf and it looked pretty good. I read that t-shirt material is good, and I do find it stays in place very well. Maybe I didn’t think through the black though!

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