This is my currently nightly schedule!

Well I think we all know about the nightly applause in appreciation of the emergency workers, which has now spread around the world. In Buenos Aires, that’s at 9 pm.

A couple of days ago, I received notification about another initiative, and I’m sorry but I can’t remember the name of the organization that set this up. But the plan is at a certain time, people around the world join in prayer, or meditation or contemplation as their belief systems allow. They provided the time in various zones, and in Buenos Aires, that’s at 5 pm.

Last night at around 9.30 pm, I heard this raucous noise coming from all around, from the other buildings. I suspect what it was, and it turned out I was right. In Buenos Aires there is a custom for people to protest injustice or inequity by gathering in the streets and banging pots with spoons and other kitchen implements. It’s called a cacerolazo. This morning I found out it was a protest because people think politicians are paid way too much money and their salaries should be reduced. So pots will be banged every night at 9.30 pm — not sure how long this will go on.

So now I have all these alarms set on my iPhone: praying at 5 pm, clapping at 9 pm and banging pots at 9.30 pm!

And now my friend Venetia is setting up a group for a virtual glass of Malbec at 8 pm — I thought I was fully booked, but I think I can fit that in!What times we’re living in, eh?

2 thoughts on “This is my currently nightly schedule!

  1. What wonderful ideas. We have the applause for NHS staff in the UK. Meditation is always a good idea for mental health. But I’m afraid to say we have a great shortage of Malbec in the country so instead of the evening libation we are saving our supply for the weekend. This also helps us keep track of the days of the week. Salud!

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