Things I’ve Accomplished Since Lockdown

Argentina went into lockdown officially on Thursday, and we were almost there for a couple of days before that. Since Thursday, mainly because I am spending time at home alone, I have:

  1. Made rice pudding from leftover rice — yummy
  2. Made banana bread from overripe bananas — yummy
  3. Caramelized onions to have with delicious Argentine steaks — yummy

( These three are all part of my newfound desire to cook, after hating it for most of my adult life. Stay tuned.)

4. Shortened the sleeves of a jacket — something I’ve been meaning to do for months.

5. Hemmed one pair of pants.

I’m going to continue this list for as long as the lockdown lasts. Knowing I’m doing that will encourage me to do more things.

What are you doing to make the most of this enforced downtime? Leave a comment to share your experience.

If you are one of the many people who have asked if I was OK because I hadn’t posted in the blog for a while, thank you for caring. I’m fine. I’ve just been a bit lazy, but I’m back on track now.

Stay safe.


2 thoughts on “Things I’ve Accomplished Since Lockdown

  1. We have washed windows and curtains, I have cooked and delivered food, we will clean all the silver and brass (and you know Helen what a big job that will be!).
    Spring cleaning. Will also catch up with mending etc. The excitement never ends!

    • Well you have more silverware than anybody else I know, Sharon, so that should keep you busy for a while!

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