
Well, it’s here — total lockdown throughout Argentina. The President went on telly last night to make the announcement, and it wasn’t really a surprise. We have about 150 cases in the country, apparently all of which are “imported”, and there is no sign of community spread. That’s because of the precautions we’ve been taking so far and, amazingly, Argentines are doing what they’re told — not a natural thing for them! they are building eight emergency “hospitals” to deal with the situation, which I imagine will be kind of M.A.S.H. type places. Great idea. Of course God alone knows how we’ll pay for it as the economy is already in shambles, but hey, one crisis at a time.

We can go out for food or medicinal supplies, but police will be on the streets asking where we are going, so they are serious. Good thing.

I would like to say I’ve been working on my book and other business things, but sadly that’s not the case. Like many others, I’ve found it hard to summon up the energy, and even interest, to work. But I have done some things I’ve been meaning to do, like hemming a couple of pairs of pants. I’m also taking the opportunity to work on my new cooking skills. Check out this yummy rice pudding — which I decided to make from some leftover rice! OK, I know you may not think that’s a big deal, but for me it is. In the past I would keep the leftover rice until it walked out of the fridge!

Now that we are in mid-March, summer is winding down here. It’s not fall yet, but it’s not hot hot hot. I have a lovely balcony with plants, so I’ve moved one of my comfy living room chairs out there and I’ll be doing some work and some reading out there for a while. Good way to get fresh air too.

As I’m not a big movie fan, I’ve never felt inclined to get Netflix, but I’m considering it. In the meantime, there’s lots on YouTube to inform, comfort and entertain. I found old episodes of the British gameshow/comedy called Q1 hosted by the hilarious Stephen Fry. Falling off my red couch laughing. Check them out if you enjoy sheer unadulterated British silliness. Otherwise, forget it as you’ll just shake your head!

The other thing I’ve been doing is using video calling to stay in touch with friends. Four of my women friends here in Buenos Aires had a “virtual glass of Malbec” together a couple of nights ago, and I’ll be doing more of that with other friends both here and around the world. I highly recommend it. Might be a good idea to plan in advance to talk about things other than coronovirus though. No point in moaning all the time.

Well that’s it for now. Heading out to my balcony to sit on my chair and have lunch.

Stay well and safe.


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