Bar Britanico

Four of us went on another book research outing on Thursday, this time to a lovely old place called Bar Britanico. It’s in San Telmo, where so many of the older and more interesting ones are.

It has an interesting history, but I’ll just tell you one funny part of it here. As you can see from the photo, the name is painted on the windows. Back in the time of the Malvinas Conflict/Falklands War, it was deemed not a good idea to have this name on the bar.

In another place, they might have renamed it and painted on another name. But this is Buenos Aires, where there’s always a different approach to life! They simply covered up the BRI at the beginning and everyone started calling it the Bar Tanico. Then when the conflict was over and things quieted down a bit (although they have never really forgotten it), they simply uncovered the letters and once again it is known as Bar Britanico. That is so Buenos Aires!

Lina and Venetia both enjoyed their food, but Joanna and I opted for the fish and chips, reasoning that it would be good in a place with a name like Bar Britanico. Wrong. Very dry and disappointing. But as you can see from this photo, Lina’s chicken was absolutely yummy!

It’s a lovely old place, and I’ll be going back soon to do a sketch for my book.

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