Celta Bar

Lunch today was another Bares Notables adventure, this time back to Celta Bar. We had been there a couple of times, once just for wine and once for a cafe concert, but when I realized we hadn’t actually eaten there I decided to remedy that. I was joined by Venetia, Lina, Joanna and Gary, Gerlinde and Thomas — a nice, fun group.

It was a stinking hot, humid day. You would think everyone would be happy to find the place air-conditioned, but no. The waitress gave us the biggest table in the place, which was an interesting old piece of furniture that might have started life as a desk, an altar or just a box. However, the air conditioning unit was above us on the wall. You wouldn’t believe the game of musical chairs we had so that nobody would have cold air blowing on them!
Eventually we settled in and ordered food. We each ordered something different, and everyone declared their food excellent. I had my standby, Spanish omelette, and I chose the mini one to be sure I could eat it. Turned out, in true Argentine fashion, the plate was mini but the omelette was not!
Lina ordered what we call here Vuelta y Vuelta, which is a steak dropped in the pan and immediately turned over so that it is barely cooked at all — kind of like a blue steak I guess. Anyway, she said this is one of the few places that actually do it the way she asks.
Gary had something called Oli Oli, which was a milanesa topped with so many items he could hardly find the meat underneath! Again, he declared it excellent.

Oli Oli

Mini tortilla espanola

Steak vuelta y vuelta

Hamburger Celta


Celta is full of delightful old artifacts — including an ancient Canada Dry box!

Old bottles and boxes

Old Canada Dry Box – surprised to find it here!








As always, thanks to Venetia for the photos.

I’m reaching the deadline for submission of my manuscript to my publisher, so I just have to fill in a few gaps. But as we agreed today, just because the book is done doesn’t mean we can’t just go and have fun — I’ll drink to that!

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