Outdoor milonga and Chinese food

Last night I went again to La Glorieta, the outdoor milonga in a lovely gazebo in the park. I went with my friend Viviana.

We’ve been having unbearably hot weather for the past week, but last night it felt cooler, so it was perfect for dancing. As I mentioned last time I wrote about La Glorieta, there are no chairs so when you are not dancing you are standing. And the floor is terrazza, so these two things combine to make it hard on the feet. We stayed just over an hour, but danced a lot and had fun.

Just around the corner from the park is Barrio Chino, the Buenos Aires version of Chinatown, so we walked round there afterwards and finished our evening with some lovely Chinese food and a glass of wine. OK a bottle of wine.

This could easily become a favourite Saturday night spot when the weather is good.

One thought on “Outdoor milonga and Chinese food

  1. Somehow your Chinatown experience came as a surprise. I’d be curious to know what brought the immigrants there in the first place – the railroad like Canada?

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