New Year’s Day with a Fun Group of Chicas

Well after all the partying last night, I had planned a quiet day by myself at home, but of course this is Buenos Aires, so how likely was that? Not very. I received a Whatsapp message from Cecilia inviting Venetia and me to lunch at her house in Olivos. As soon as we had made sure the trains were running, we accepted the invitation.

Besides us and Cecilia, there were Cecilia’s sister Adriana, their cousin Elvira, Cecilia’s friend Liana and our friend Gillian. We had a great lunch with lots of laughter and conversation. Then we finished the afternoon by taking the three dogs for a walk down by the port. Or maybe they took us. In any case, it was a great way to finish the holiday and give us a good start to 2020.

2 thoughts on “New Year’s Day with a Fun Group of Chicas

    • Thanks Sharon. It would be great to see you down here and show you my beautiful Buenos Aires!

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