New Year’s Eve by the Rio de la Plata

This was the fourth year of bringing in the New Year in the posh, upscale barrio of Puerto Madero. We, however, don’t pay the ridiculous prices they charge in the waterfront restaurants or upscale hotels. No, we have a picnic, complete with table and chairs, Christmas tablecover and fairy lights that we twine around the nearest tree. And of course lots of food, wine and champagne. We take advantage of the music from the restaurants to dance along by the water and across the bridge, and when we need to go to the washroom we use the one in the Hilton!

Here are a few images from this year’s picnic.

Thank you for reading my blog, commenting in the Comments section as well as by email to me, and general telling me you enjoy hearing about my exploits here in amazing Argentina.

I wish you and yours all the best for a Happy New Year, and a wonderful 2020.

Apparently Vivi didn’t get the memo about everyone wearing white! It’s a Brazilian custom that’s made its way here the past few years.

The beautiful Puente de la Mujer

Spacey on New Year’s Eve!

Lina and me

2 thoughts on “New Year’s Eve by the Rio de la Plata

    • Yes, it was great, Grace. I love bringing in the New Year outdoors in summer! Hope to see you down here later this year.

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