Update on the Hot Water Situation

I reported a couple of posts ago that the gas would be off in my building for a month, and it now seems it’s more likely to be two months!

I’ve become quite creative with my electric skillet, which I have to use instead of the stove. Last night I made a pizza in there, and the night before a lovely chicken dish.

But the really good news is that my landlady came through! I told her what was happening, and said that although I was braving the cold showers and shampoos, given my propensity to catch pneumonia it was probably not the best thing for me to be doing. She showed up that afternoon with her electrician, who said he would be back sometime this week to install an electric shower. True to his word, he came this afternoon, and this is the result!

A thing of beauty it’s not, and I will certainly miss my beautiful rain shower head (which will be reinstalled when the gas comes back on), but it gives hot water and that’s all that matters.

By the way, in case you’re worried, electric showers are quite common in this part of the world, and perfectly safe.

Tomorrow morning I’ll be a happy girl!

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