My Anniversary Weekend Celebrations

Hard though it is to believe, this Sunday, November 24, was the first anniversary of my arrival in Argentina. Since November 23 was the day I actually left, I figured I might as well celebrate both days! Three events unfolded.

Tango and Champagne

On Saturday night, my friend Alejandro (who is also my tango teacher) took me to the milonga, where we danced every tanda but one over the course of two hours. It was marvelous! Before leaving, Alejandro took these photos. I don’t think they do much for us, but then selfies never do, do they?

Selfies aren’t flattering anyway, so you might as well get silly with them!

After the milonga, we went back to my place to quaff some bubbly — it was, after all, a celebration.

It was a beautiful, warm night, so we sat out on the balcony and had a lovely conversation as we drank the champagne and Alejandro blissed out on his pipe!

Paddy and John’s Picnic

On Sunday afternoon there was a big picnic for a couple in my group of expat friends. They are moving from Argentina to Italy, so we gave them a big sendoff. I had never been in this particular park before, and it is definitely a hidden gem. And it couldn’t have been a lovelier day for a picnic. Of course, this wasn’t technically part of my celebration, but I was there anyway so I thought I might as well tell you about it.

Night Out at the Parilla

Finally, last night I went with a big group of friends to La Gran Parilla del Plata, usually just referred to as La Gran Parilla. It’s in the lovely old barrio of San Telmo, and most people who have been there agree they have the best steaks in Buenos Aires — and that’s saying a lot! I also love the atmosphere, the friendly waiters (some of them very cute!) and the complimentary glass of lemoncello at the end of the meal!

I put up a note on our little friends thread of FB Messenger, thinking maybe three or four would be interested. 18 signed up and they all came! Here’s a selection of photos taken by Venetia and Anneleise.

All in all, it was a memorable celebration of my new life in this amazing country. I couldn’t be happier that I made this move and I look forward to many more years and many more anniversary celebrations!

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