Ruta 40

Several years ago now, my dear friend Cecilia introduced me to a group of her friends which they call Ruta 40. This is a major highway that runs the length of Argentina, similar to the TransCanada Highway or Route 66. These friends all do lots of road trips and often find themselves traveling the legendary road โ€” hence the name.

They meet once a month at someone’s home, and when I first started going it was a challenge for me because everyone was speaking at once in rapid Spanish. Now it’s kind of a measure of how far my Spanish has come, as I can pretty much keep up for most of the conversations.

Anyway, now that I have a nice big apartment, I can take my turn at hosting, and last night was my first time. It was a smallish group, just eight plus me, but we made plenty of noise with chatting and laughing. These photos will give you a taste.

Thanks for coming, everyone!

10 thoughts on “Ruta 40

  1. Congrats on getting your Spanish to their rapid-fire level!! Well done OBO! Getting to that level of fluency will add so much more to your interactions. Looks like you celebrated your bad-ass apartment and bad-ass achievement with some great friends.

    • I wouldn’t say it was quite up to their level, but it’s certainly getting closer. Yes, it was a fun night with fun people.

  2. Looks like a wonderful time was had by all – youโ€™re looking great Helen – clearly the move has done you a world of good! Can almost taste the wine.

    • Thanks Sharon. Yes, I give thanks every day for the opportunity to live this wonderful life here in beautiful Buenos Aires.

    • I loved having you all here, Cecilia. Thank you for introducing me to these lovely Argentine people!

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