Cordoba Churches

Many people manage to keep up their blogs on vacation, and I should be able to do that because my blog isn’t commercial. It’s a fun exercise to keep my friends up to date on what’s going on in my lovely life here in Argentina. But somehow last week I didn’t have much time (or, let’s be honest, inclination) to blog. I was more into enjoying dinners out and sightseeing.

Today is Sunday. It’s election day in Argentina, and everything is closed. So it’s a good day to stay home and do some catching up.

The Cathedral, Cordoba

Most South American cities have a lot of beautiful churches, and Cordoba is no exception. Two that I particularly enjoyed were the Cathedral (of course), and the Iglesia del Sagrado Corazon, better known as the Capuchino for its association with the Capuchin order.

  This is the front of the Cathedral, but the most notable feature is the dome. It dominates the area all around the building itself. Even when you can’t see the whole church, you can often see the dome looming above its surroundings.

Even when we went inside the Cabildo, when we looked up, there it was!

I tried to get both the dome and this little cafe in the same shot. In a brilliant piece of branding, it’s called Cafe con Dios! More on that later.

Sagrado Corazon

This is one of the most beautiful churches I’ve ever seen — anywhere. The whole place blew my mind, but particularly the way they have used different colors of stone. I’m not sure my photographic skills show them to advantage, but I hope you can get some idea of it.


Like barley sugar twists!

I love this angel!


Amazing use of colour in the stonework around the man door


Magnificent bronze door

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