Another Night Out with Cecilia

A few weeks ago a few of us went to a lovely concert at the Colegio de Escribanos in San Isidro, described in a post called Our San Isidro Adventure. Last night Cecilia and I went to another event there, this time a folkloric group called Otro Cantar.

I usually love South American folkloric music, with all its bright costumes and guitars. This was a bit of a different take on it, and I must say we weren’t too keen. You’ll see the video clip is much shorter than usual — that’s why!

Otro Cantar

The concert ended about 10.30 pm and we hadn’t had dinner, so we headed back to Olivos, where Cecilia lives, for pizza. I’m showing you this photo of Cecilia because, even though it’s just a pizza joint, not even a bar or cafe, it does serve wine—Cecilia thought it strange that I would even question it! Anyway, we drank a bottle and ate a pizza and then went home to bed — I slept until the 9 am alarm woke me!

Not every concert is great, but you can always have fun!

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