Started a New Book!

As I told you a few weeks ago, I am leading an online group of people who are determined to get their books written, some after quite some time. Because part of the process is that they are held accountable for doing what they said they would do, I decided I should too. So I’m writing another book.

I actually began it last year when I was down here. It’s about a series of very old, very typical bars or cafes (in Buenos Aires they are the same thing) called the Bares Notables. Some of my friends enthusiastically agreed to join me in the “research”, which consisted of eating and drinking in several of the establishments! But I didn’t really follow through and all I have is a series of notes.

But now I have the motivation to actually write it, so I’m picking up where I left off. Three of my friends who will definitely want to help again with the research — Venetia, Joanna and Sally — are on vacation right now, so I might wait a couple of weeks for that part.

But while I was out for another purpose this week, I had lunch in one of the bars. It’s called Los Galgos, which means greyhounds, and there are pictures of those dogs all over the place. Curious to know why? Stay tuned — I’ll let you know after I interview the owner.

They did, however, have absolutely delicious bread. As a rule I don’t like Argentine bread, so this was very welcome. They make everything in house, and these were crusty on the outside and soft and light inside — yummy. I asked if I could buy some to take home, and the waiter said unfortunately no. But when he came back with my change, he brought these two in a paper bag — free of charge. Nice, eh? And very Argentine!


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