It’s Been Quiet Around Here!

I haven’t posted to the blog this week, and since I was sick for a while I thought I’d better post something in case you think I’m sick again!

The truth is, there hasn’t been much happening to report on. Also, I’ve been very busy with client work, some of which was catch-up from when I was in hospital. This has meant I haven’t been doing anything else during the day.

I went to a party last night. It was for the writing group I belong to, and one of our members, Ricardo, hosted it in his beautiful apartment in Belgrano, a barrio that’s a little further out from the centre. I really enjoyed the company and the conversation.

I think another reason there hasn’t been much activity is that Venetia is away in Europe for the winter (summer there) months, and she is usually on top of what’s going on. We call her our unofficial social director! But that’s no excuse, really, and I’m going to start looking out for things to do and inviting our little group.

One of said group, Lola, is having a birthday party at her home on Friday. As she knows lots of tango dancers, she is planning to have a little social tango, so that will be lovely. I’m looking forward to it. I must remember to take some photos to post here.

Even though it’s winter, we’ve been having lovely weather. Temperatures in the mid-teens, blue sky and sunshine. Hope to have some fun things to tell you soon.

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