Argentine Independence Day

Today is 9 de julio, the day Argentina celebrates its independence from Spain in 1816. There were numerous events and celebrations across the city, and I did want to see at least one of them on this, my first Dia de Independencia. Several of us chose the military parade, and we agreed to meet up afterwards at the home of our friend Lola, who lives just a few yards away from the parade route.

In my wisdom, I decided a taxi would be my best way to get there, but as it turned out the streets were closed off for miles around and I had quite a hike. There’s a huge park in the area, and I ended up on the wrong side of it. I could see the street I wanted to get to, and as the crow flies it wasn’t far away. Unfortunately, I’m not a crow. I could hear the bands, so I knew I was close, but to get there I had to walk the full length of the park, cross over and walk back down. Ah well, I got good exercise for my first foray after the pneumonia!

Arriving at the meeting place, I found Cecilia had moved on because you couldn’t really see much there. But there’s a cafe on the corner, and a seat opened up just as I arrived, so I claimed it and didn’t move!

It’s true I couldn’t see much. OK, I couldn’t see anything. But it was a beautiful sunny day, not too cold, and for me it was fun just sitting in the sun people watching. I could hear the commentary and the music, and I saw the jets and the helicopters fly overhead.

As I sat there, drinking it all in, I found myself filled with emotion. I had received a little flag from a soldier, and as I waved it joined the happy shouts of Viva La Patria with the crowd, a little tear of happiness rolled down my cheek.

Somewhere else in the crowd, Cecilia had found a better spot, where she took some photos. South American military parades are very colourful, the uniforms quite distinctive.

Eventually, several of us found our way to Lola’s place and we had some wine and potluck nibblies. It was a lovely way to round off the celebration.

Viva La Patria!

4 thoughts on “Argentine Independence Day

  1. Glad you got to experience this. I did it last year and followed the parade on foot. Got great shots of the horses and marching bands I can show you when I get back! Happy to hear you are up and about and dancing tango again!

  2. Happy to hear that you are feeling better and I know I was suppose to focus on the uniforms but……those trees are breathtaking !!!

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