Here’s Why I’ve Been Missing

A week past on Sunday, June 23, I was taken by ambulance to hospital with pneumonia, and there I stayed for nine days. When I’ve had pneumonia in Canada, it’s been maybe 24 hours in Emerg and then home with antibiotics to get well on my own. Not so here.

I can’t say enough about the care I received in hospital here. Teams of great doctors and nurses looking after me every minute of the day. And they were absolutely not going to send me home until they were totally sure I was well enough.

I also received amazing amounts of love and caring from my wonderful friends. As soon as it was known I was in hospital, they organized a schedule of who could come when and bring whatever I needed. I was never without help or company, and I felt truly loved. What a gift!

Pneumonia is my old friend, and I know exactly how it feels and what to expect. What surprises me every time — and if you’ve had it you’ll know what I mean – is that when you have it you can’t imagine ever being well again. And then, when it works its way through and out of your system, suddenly you are well again! That’s where I am now.

I came home on Tuesday, and it’s now Saturday, so I’ve had a few days in my own bed and having lovely hot showers. When you don’t use your legs for nine days, they don’t work, so it takes time to rehabilitate them. But yesterday I went out for a couple of short walks and felt fine. It’s winter here, of course, but wrapped up well I didn’t feel the cold — not nearly as much as Argentines seem to feel it!

Anyway, bottom line is I am on the mend and back at work. My new Book Writing Club offering will begin a few weeks later than planned, on July 16. So if you’d love to write a book and don’t know where to start, drop me a line and we’ll have a Zoom call when we can explore whether this could be for you.

Talk soon!

6 thoughts on “Here’s Why I’ve Been Missing

    • We snuck in a short tango when Alejandro came to visit me Friday night — couldn’t resist! But yes, I’m being careful and giving myself time to get my strength back.

  1. Ah pneumonia, an old acquaintance of mine. Not allowed to get it again. So glad you are on the mend my dear. Take care (sounds as if you are) – as though your friends would key you do otherwise! Love, Sharon

    • Definitely on the mend now, Sharon. In fact, today I’m back at work on my clients’ books. Feels good!

  2. OMG Helen, I know your all about experiencing life and moving forward but this is an experience I’m sure you could have done without.
    I’m just happy you’re getting better and look forward to many more positive/happy updates!

    • Yes, I could have done without it, Ruth, but it’s done now and I’m glad to be getting back to work.

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