A Little Spontaneous Tango

I’ve been under the weather this week with a rotten cold, so haven’t been doing much that’s interesting. But last night Venetia had a little dinner party for just six close friends. Besides me, there was our hilariously funny Irish friend Sally, Rob and Alex, who entertained Venetia and me to dinner at their home a few weeks ago, and my tango teacher and good friend Alejandro.

Venetia is a great cook, and served us a beautiful caprese salad followed by a chicken dish to die for.

Of course she is usually the photographer, and I should take taken up the slack while she was busy serving dinner, but I forgot!

Conversation flowed and there was a lot of laughing. Alejandro thought we should do a spur-of-the-moment tango demo, and of course I’m always up for that. Feels different dancing in outdoor boots instead of elegant tango shoes, but I enjoyed it anyway. I hope you do too. Thanks to Venetia for filming it.

12 thoughts on “A Little Spontaneous Tango

    • Grace, you know me better than that! Copious amounts of wine were consumed, but I just give myself up to the tango and it all works out ā€” especially with Alejandro!

  1. So glad you got the whole video even though it got a little downgraded in the transfer! The evening was great fun and the dancing was the cream on the top! I enjoyed my attempt at dancing as well – although I do not dance the tango, I felt almost as if I could! Of course, that is because of Alejandro!!

    • You did really well, Venetia! Alejandro can make you feel you are dancing tango right from your first lesson.

  2. How delightful!. Music, good friends, a small floor space and viola! Beauty in motion. Thanks for sharing.

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