At Cecilia’s

Back a few weeks ago, we wen to Miramar and were hosted by Cecilia’s cousin Carlitos. Yesterday he arrived to stay a few days with Cecilia, and she invited Venetia and me for lunch. It was also the birthday of her sister Hemilce, who was also there. It was fun to see Carlitos again!

Cecilia’s familiy really is my Argentine family.

When we all get together, it’s a challenge for me to understand what’s going on, but it does get easier, and it’s always fun! Venetia, as always, did photo duty — Gracias Venetia.


2 thoughts on “At Cecilia’s

  1. I am so happy you’ve found a substitute family in BA! Looks like a great group you can proud off too. And yes, it does get easier to understand another language the longer you live in it.

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