My Annual Tango Video with Alejandro

In past years around about this time, I was preparing to go home to Canada, and one of the things I did every year was a video of me dancing with my friend and tango teacher, Alejandro Puerta. This year, of course, I’m not going back to Canada, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t do a tango video. So this week during my lesson we did one. Actually, we did quite a few. Alejandro decided the entire focus of the lesson should be videos, and then I could choose the best one for the blog. What a riot it was!

First, we did the whole first dance and then I realized I hadn’t switched on the video, so we did another one to the same music — that’s the reason for all the silliness at the beginning of the video.

I’ve chosen that one to put here, because it nicely illustrates how tango can go from fast and furious, staccato and powerful to soft, slow and sensuous and back again all in a few moments.

I still have a lot of footage of the other dances and I might try to edit some of the clips into another video and add it here, but I like this one best anyway. I hope you like it too — let me know.

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