A “Striking” End to our Trip!

This is the last word on the trip to Uruguay.

I took a taxi home from the boat, late on Wednesday evening. When I was walking across the road to my apartment, my suitcase got caught on the curb and fell, taking me with it. Because I didn’t have time to take my hands off the case, I couldn’t use them to break my fall, and I ended up hitting my face full force on the road!

I was too tired to do anything about it that night — although I should have at least bandaged it better, as I had blood stains on the pillow case in the morning! But next morning early, I went to Emerg and had it checked out. They x-rayed the orbital area, and all is well. My eyes and teeth are fine, so it was really just the one deep cut on my cheekbone. But the bruising is spectacular! I was going to post a selfie for you to see it, but it might frighten young children so I won’t. Use your imagination!

But I didn’t let it hold me back. I went to the hospital very early so as to be back in time for a Skype call with my Butt Kickers at 9.30 am, and I was. Then I went out to a museum and lunch event with a group I belong to, and finally I went for my tango lesson at 7 pm. I told my teacher I might not be able to do the whole hour, but of course once I got going I forgot about the face and did the hour and more. I feel sorry for everyone having to look at my face in this state, but the doctor said it should fade in about a week — after turning a variety of beautiful shades from purple to yellow to green!

Anyway, that’s it for Uruguay. It was an interesting experience.

2 thoughts on “A “Striking” End to our Trip!

    • Actually it seems to be healing quite quickly — and of course a bit of makeup always helps!

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