My New Couch — on the Street!

So I got a call to say my couch was ready, I could go to the store and pay the rest of the money and arrange for delivery.

When I arrived, the young woman who served me called a guy from the back of the shop and gave him some rapid instructions. Turned out he was to take me to where the couch was and let me check it out. I thought it was the factory, but no, it was a very small shipping facility. When I saw it standing on end, I wondered how I was supposed to check it out. Well I soon found out.

They pulled it out onto the sidewalk and partially stripped the plastic wrap off it. So here I am, sitting on my brand new couch — on the sidewalk! Buenos Aires, baby!

The colour is a bit off, as it really is red and not this pinkish colour, and I really love it. They delivered it, as promised, at 6 pm, so now it’s in place in my living room. My walls, which are very large, desperately need art, so I want to start painting soon and get something above the couch before I show you what it looks like. But I am a happy girl!

By the way, no Internet until next Tuesday, so I’m doing this in the local cafe over a glass of Malbec!

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