More Moving Adventures

Everyone has been asking for updates on my move to my new place, so I might as well post it here for everyone to see at once.

I did “officially” move in last Saturday, and I call that my official move day because that’s the first night I slept there. It was fabulous! I love my big bedroom, and my lovely bathroom with its gentle rain shower — it was a pleasure getting ready in the morning.

My temporary place is mine until tomorrow morning, and as it is only a five-minute walk away, I have been up and down many times moving stuff a bit at a time. I have a couple of shopping bags left and I’ll be taking that home with me in a minute. Tomorrow morning I come back to hand in my keys and get my deposit back, and that’s it done!

Of course, not everything has gone smoothly. The main issue is that I won’t have Internet in the new place until April 1. I know that sounds strange to Canadians, but none of my Argentine friends were surprised. To them it’s quite logical that it should start at the beginning of the month. I’m getting more and more used to these quirky ways of doing things. I’ll try to remember to report them here as they might give you a chuckle, and also give you more insights into life in Argentina — which I love despite all the quirks, and perhaps even because of them!

The Internet has been a bit of a problem though because I do have a business to run. I can, of course, write my own book and do the work on my clients’ books without being online. When it comes time to go online to send them anything, I’ve been popping down here to do it. Next week I’ll be spending a lot more time in cafes, using their Internet!

Here’s another thing I’ve had to learn. When you buy something here using a credit card, it’s not like in Canada where you just plunk down your card and it’s done. Here, you are asked for “documents” that provide your ID. On Thursday I went to a big store called Coto, which is kind of a combination supermarket and home store. I bought a toaster and a floor mat, spending less than $100. I had forgotten to bring the laminated copy of my passport I use for stuff like this, so I gave them my Canadian driver’s licence, and it worked just fine.

Yesterday, I went to Falabella, a major department store where I had seen the perfect rug for under my new coffee table in the living room, as well as some cushions. I went around the store and picked them all out, spending maybe around $300. Again I forgot my passport copy (sometimes I’m a slow learner!), so again I offered my driver’s licence. No go this time. Either Argentine document or foreign passport, nothing else! The unfortunate thing is that the rug was the last one they had in the colour I wanted, and I don’t want to trail all the way down there again and find it’s gone. “So why don’t you call them?” I hear you ask. Well, my Spanish is getting to be pretty good, but speaking with store clerks on the phone is too much hard work.

I did take a phone call yesterday from another store to tell me my new couch is ready — yayy! I’ll go down to the store on Monday and pay the rest of the money, and then arrange for delivery. Not online? Nope, not the way it works here! Can’t wait to see it in place though.

I’m itching to get back to my painting, and now that I have space I can do that. There’s also a lot of wall space in my new apartment, so I’ll have lots of places to put my paintings.

So that’s the story for now. The weather is changing as we have now moved into fall. It’s still lovely, but definitely summer is saying goodbye. Glad I had some cold weather clothes in my box! It may mean I am out less at night (or of course it may not!), so I can spend more time at home working on my place. I’ll soon be ready to entertain — my friends are all champing at the bit for champagne and picadas!


4 thoughts on “More Moving Adventures

  1. You reminded me of my time in Germany and sometimes using a credit card in a big dept. store, you’d have to go to a special kiosk on another floor to process it……. yup, got to love new countries and new ways of living in it. Have fun!!

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