Home from Miramar — a Day Early

We were supposed to come home from Miramar on Thursday, but unfortunately the weather was not at all kind to us and we decided to come back on Wednesday instead. I managed to get my usual holiday cold, which is now entering bronchitisland, so I didn’t mind leaving early.

The drive back was horrendous, with thunderstorms that turned the sky black as night and torrential rain for a large part of the time. Only when we got to within about 90 minutes of Buenos Aires did it clear up, and by the time we arrived home it was lovely. Of course we got reports that the weather in Buenos Aires had been beautiful all week!

We did enjoy the company though. Cecilia’s cousin Carlitos was a wonderful host, and he cooked a mean asado! And when he left he gave us all a bag of apples and wonderful tomatoes from his garden in Neuquen. One day I’d like to go down there and visit him. Maybe the weather is better there!


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