Chinese New Year in Tigre

The Chinese New Year festival was supposed to be held in Tigre last weekend, but it was postponed on rumors of rain! Honestly, people are hothouse plants here, and things get cancelled and people stay home with just a little rain. Since I’m from Scotland and was born in the rain, I find this weird!

Anyway, I went to Tigre on the train with Venetia, Montserrat, Cecilia and two Mexican friends of Cecilia, Antonio and Lina. It was hot hot hot, and we watched only part of the show because we just wanted to get to a nice restaurant where we could sit in the shade and have a light lunch and a glass of wine.

We found a lovely old place called Vivanco that fit the bill nicely.

Since none of us could be bothered cooking when we got back to Buenos Aires, we decided to go to my favourite empanada place, El Sanjuanino — the last of the photos shows us relaxing there.

Fun day!

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