Vivi Sings Again!

As cafes and other eating places gradually open up to live entertainment again, our friend Viviana Falabella is once again performing. Last night she played in a cool little place in San Telmo called Pista Urbana.

Of course the place has to abide by the protocol, and there were probably half the number of tables they would usually have. We were quite a large group, spread out among several tables, but we came together for this photo. Vivi is the one standing up in the middle. By the way, we are allowed to unmask to eat and drink!

I think you’ll agree that Gillian takes first prize for her creative mask!

Although she does sing other types of music, last night Vivi sang only Latin songs. That being the case, I put in a request in advance for Besame Mucho. When my late husband, Felix, was a professional singer and musician, this was one of my favourites of his songs, and he always sang it to me from the stage. So Vivi’s rendition brought back happy memories as well as present enjoyment. I hope you enjoy it too.