Another New Zoom Experience

It occurred to me the other day that I wish I had shares in Zoom! This service has made living in lockdown around the world a lot easier to deal with, and I’ve been at more virtual birthday and other celebrations over Zoom that I usually do in person. Sunday morning brought yet another one.

The church I belong to in Toronto always has a coffee hour after the Sunday morning service — which I’m bound to admit I don’t often attend as I’m usually ready to get home for lunch by then. However, they decided to try a virtual coffee hour and were kind enough to invite me. It was great!

It was lovely to see all these people I haven’t seen for about a year and a half (yes, that’s how long it’s been since I moved here!), and they gave me a warm welcome. There were also other people who have moved away from Toronto, so it was a bit of a grand reunion. Some folks were a bit unsure about the technology, but our lovely administrator, Sharon, guided them through the process.

She also did something I hadn’t tried yet. We were quite a large group, and after some general chatting time, Sharon put us into breakout groups so that we could have a chance to chat more easily in smaller groups. That added a lot to the experience.

It was so successful that they plan to do more, so what with coffee hour in the morning and family quiz in the evening, I’m not getting a break from Zoom even on Sundays!