Down Memory Lane with The Beats

Last night Venetia and Cecilia came to my place for a quick dinner before going to the Grand Rex Theatre downtown to see a great Beatles tribute band called The Beats. They are recognized as one of the best Beatles bands in the world — and they are from Argentina! Who knew? They were really excellent and put on a terrific show.

Paul had all the familiar moves, including the little head shake, and you could really believe you were watching Paul McCartney up there. And John definitely had the John Lennon attitude, which you can see at the end of the first video below. John was always my favourite Beatle.

It really was memory lane because Venetia is from London and was there during those heady times back in the sixties. As they showed the old footage of Abbey Lane and all the other Beatles landmarks, she saw shops she used to shop in and lots of familiar streets. Cecilia, although Argentine, was living there too at that time and also recognized many of the spots. I wasn’t in London, but I did have the once-in-a-lifetime experience of seeing the actual Beatles live in concert in Glasgow — one of those nights you never forget.

There are many videos of The Beats on YouTube, so I’m linking to one of the shorter ones. And the second is one that Venetia made last night, which gives you a good feel for the experience. It were fab!